Friday, November 11, 2005

It's Black, red, and has the monogram of a Ferari, but it is not a car !

Acer and it's new obsession ferari, in a new avtaar, yes an Acer LCD Monitor, so what if it's not a car, it still is a ferrari. This limited edition Acer Branded Ferrari LCD monitors, available in 19 and 20inch screen sizes, have a high contrast ratio of 500:1 (19"), 800:1 (20") and include stereo speakers.

These monitors mimic the Ferrari design, and the red and black and the yellow monogram make it an awsome sexy looking display. The limited edition makes sure your table always has everyone's attention. From what i hear these will be priced at about 800$ and Acer shall release only about a 1000 of these babies. (If they get them to India, call me)



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