Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Want Something Great to Listen to !!!

Well, no I am not self promoting my podcasts, they are great, but not as good as it gets here. Online radio has been around for quite some time, but something that had wonderful music, (music you have not heard before), and music that wont' break because you did not have Internet speed.. well it's here.. and it works.. head on to Radio Verve, and check it out.. The nice graphics on the page, the great tuner like interface, and the bio coming up on the right side of the independent bands.. man this is nice..

Right now, they have the following channels

*Rock / Easy / Metal - English Music
*Gospel Music
*Classical (Indian Classical)
*And a folk channel coming up..



Anonymous said...

Hey Gagan,

Thanks for the nice review. Let us know if you have any suggestions on how we can improve our site.


The Big Geek said...

You are welcome and keep up the good work.

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