Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tata Indicom Announces (what it believes as the First), Internet Radio on your Cellphone

Tata Indicom, is confused again yes, it believes (Click Here to see the video) that it is the first mobile provider to have launched Internet Radio on your hand helds. In this announcement by Mr. Sethi, President VAS for Tata Indicom, and more busy explaining what type of music comes from what country, they forgot that any Internet enabled, hmm.. GPRS connected phone, data connection phone could install Mundu Radio, or if you had a Series 60 Symbian phone, you could directly do this, so what is TATA busy about ?

If you are confused, this announcement was made yesterday, 19th June 2007.

Hmm...seems these guys just know how to do an event, and call it the first.



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