Friday, June 15, 2007

Internet Advertising Starts Attracting Indian Small Businesses a portal that has been selling parallel import cameras, lenses, and mp3 players, has been one of the leaders in the online space in India. Though his site is nothing what you would expect it to be, but I think they make sizeable sales online. Every serious photographer has heard of them, and if you wanted a DSLR or a Lens, chances are you must have spoken to them. Cafe Gadgets, the portal from Esys, I wrote about it a few days back has also been picking up steam. Though there are no serious figures available, I tried to get in touch with their PR Team, but nothing happened. Both and CafeGadgets have started advertising with Google Adwords very seriouslly. I think it is about time, India caught on in the Structured / Non Structured and a Brick & Mortar Business doing online Selling.



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