Saturday, June 23, 2007

Shit He is coming Back - Rocket Raja

On 12/13 june, when the news hit that the Rocket Raja commercial has been taken off air, after the contreversy with the Indian Postal Department, after all, no one has the right to ridicule a Government service, and especially not the latest (and I believe the billionth) free email service provider.

Anyway, this news on Alootechie has hit me pretty badly, that he is coming back.. shit man, run.. the crazy guy in a rocket (trying to emulate an email postmaster) is back.. I really don't see a reason why Reliance is wasting money and time building Zapak (Which it earlier wanted to push as a Gaming server company, then a Free email provider), and now with, trying to emulate Youtube.. hey guys.. if It takes 3 minutes to load a 60 second video on zapak tv while sitting in India, you have it wrong.. Wrong.. do you know ?



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