Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Vista Capable - A New Mess in the New Year for Microsoft

Ever Seen this Badge and Wondered Why o Why ?

In our greed to get the latest, we end up depending on principal vendors to tell us what to buy. I was in a meeting at a customer place, and we were having a similar discussion yesterday, what is the minimum requirement to run your software, and the vendor gave a description, the software actually does not run on the minimum requirement, so it makes you wonder why do all software vendors say this, why do car vendors talk about mileage under certain conditions only, software to work on this minimum spec, while these things never ever happen. What is then the ideal configuration, and you will be told to buy the super computers of the world just to run an office suite or maybe that drawing application that you wanted to use.

A lot of you must have switched to vista, and or thought about switching to vista, and gadget geeks like me must have come out with a standard answer "NO", if you explored why the "NO" came out Vehemently, well the reason was, that most of the machines were not ready for it, and if they were, you needed some sort of an upgrade. No there was nothing (well actually there were, but now they are fixed) wrong with Windows Vista, but the machines over all were not ready.

In a recent news item, Microsoft has landed itself in a soup, in a lot of ways this is good for the consumer. The links to the story

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