Delhi Police BRT Action - Filmy, Very Filmy
How many times have you heard the trouble with the BRT, for those of you who are not living in Delhi, or for those, who would really want to see what the best brains of IIT can do, click here for some Google Results. It is one mess that has been created, and with the current way it's being run and developed more, all I can foresee is another big mess, teaching India's, to drive in a Lane is impossible, there was a time in Bombay (Ahem Mumbai) where you could drive in a lane, now even the average mumbaikar, does not want to stick to his lane, let alone the country.
In the last few weeks, there has been a lot of news, about people racing in the BRT corridor, Red Beacon Cars misusing the corridor, and then police / traffic police being deployed to monitor it. I because of my work have to use the BRT Road every now and then, and have never seen any police action, till today, and this was a moment worth capturing. Please note, this was taken with a very low resolution camera, as that is what was handy to me in my car, so apologies for the bad picture quality.
There were these 2 SKODA cars, that were racing, and an Army Jeep, and all caught, fined. The brilliant part, one of the havaldar's, was holding a video camera and recording everything, now that is one FINE thing done by our Police team in Delhi.
Thank you.
Though a small suggestion and an open letter, why not have atleast 2 to 3 Polieceman at all red lights, even when they are working, following picture shows you a car, all dark tinted glasses, the guy eventually jumped the red light, so can I call him a repeat offender, but hey, if you had 2 - 3 Police men there, you could have made some money. It is simple logic
High Density of Policeman at Traffic Lights
Averagely 2 to 3 Cars have a Rule Violation
*Wrong type of Number Plate
*Blasting Music at full volume (after all we are dilliwala's)
*Dark Tinted glasses, you can't even see inside
*Honking at Red Lights
*Jumping Red Lights
Now Calculate this,
Average Wait Time at a Signal is approximately: 2 Minutes
Average Time to Challan Someone: 1 Minute
Average Cars to be challaned: 2
Rough Challan Charges: Rs. 100
Total Charges Per Red Light Collectible: Rs. 200
Number of Signal Changes in an Hour at a Busy Crossing (5 Minutes Green / 2 Minutes Red / 4 Way Crossing): 7 to 8
Total Collections Per Hour: 7 x 200 = Rs. 1400
Total Collections in a 12 Hour Day (8 AM to 8PM): 1400 x 12 = 16,800
Total Collections Over a 20 Day Month: 3,36,000
Average Salary of a Police Person: Rs. 20,000 Per Month (I am not sure of this)
Incentive to be Given to the Policeman for Challans: Rs. 10,000
Total Policeman: 3
Total Salary Cost: Rs. 60,000 + Rs. 30,000 = Rs. 90,000
Per Month Profitability: Rs. 2,46,000
Law of Averages, say, collections are only 50%, you will still make a cool profit of Rs. 78,000 at above salaris and benefits.
Remember this is only one Side of the Signal, there are usually 2 sides, and about 4 on most of the major crossings in Delhi, so at 2 Sides, you have an average Profitability of Rs. 1.56 Lacs Per Month
Now multiply that by the number of red lights..
There are multiple benefits
If averagely we need 6 Policeman at Each Traffic Light
And We were to Man an Average of 1000 Traffic Lights
An Employment of 6000 People is Generated
The Profit is 2000 Times (Mind Boggling Numbers)
What does all this profit do, reduce tax, improve policing, make sure people who listen to a Whip, listen, avoid accidents, drunken driving.
I know this seems simple logic, and I am not mathematician, but I think it works, it just needs to be put in.
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