Sunday, October 16, 2005

Sony and It's new Obsession - Location Free TV

Do you have a laptop ? < Obviouslly, Wireless, here.. now I am asking stupid questions. Well did you enjoy the freedom wireless was to bring to you, I difinitely did. Anyway, this is not wifi mumbo jumbo again, but something I just stumbled on at Sony Japans' Website (thanks to google translate again), anyway.. If you have had a dekko at the PSP from sony you know the display is one of the best, and the ability to play DVD movies (portable UMD's that sony's come out with), they are still not available everywhere, but then should this restrict you. Well not really

Sony plans to come out very soon (or it should be out by the time you read this), with a product called LF-PK1 That allows you to plugin your DVD player and your TV Cable into the box and stream it over wifi to either your Laptop or to PSP's running software version higher than 2.0

No prices as yet, but this is interesting, imagine, not only can you play games anywhere in the house, now you can also get your favourite movie on your Portable.. so you still dont' have wifi you said.. go go.. get one..




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