Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Photos - Sony Walkman Phone W705 # 2

The top has a Camera for Video Calls, a white dot, don't know what that is for right now, but the walkman logo looks attractive from here.
close up of the Controls, end / call, next track / previous track, play pause and 2 function keys. The round dial (next track / last track) can be used as a short cut during the phone and is 4 direction.
The phone with it's slider open.

Walkman shortcut button on top of the phone

Lock for Battery cover at the bottom of the phone. The Battery cover does not open till you slide this grey lock to unlock position.
Speakers of the Walkman, wonder what made them put this at the back of the phone.
Camera on the Walkman phone. 3.2 Megapixels, pretty Bad. You can also see the microphone for pickup of voice in a Video. you can also see the flash (and yes, me thumb)


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