Tuesday, April 14, 2009

New Pen + Pencil Set from Pierre Cardin

I am not sure if this Pierre Cardin pen business has anything to do with the famous designer, but I just got a Pen + Pencil set as a Gift from my Mother in Law. The Chrome Silver Finish is nice, though the Click Mechanical Pencil is a 0.5 mm lead, while I personally prefer a 0.7 mm, the Touch and feel of the whole set is nice. Some pictures to share with you.

For those of you with stationery fetish like mine, the Productwas made in China, and the box is a black corrugated paper box with silver embossing for the lgo. The Pen and Pencil are held down by a plastic piece with soft rubbery grips, and is screwed down to the back side of the Case.

The backside screw (See picture) is opened using a Coin (not a screw driver).



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