Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Non Tech: Why God Made Moms

A few days ago, I was a part of a Mail Trail about the subject, Why God Made Moms. I chose to reply back to the sender alone, due to the sensitive nature of the email, but Harpreet sent out a mail, which touched all of us. Her mail is replicated at the end of this posting.

A video was then returned to the whole mail trail, which is brilliant, worth a standing ovation, so here goes, WHY GOD MADE Moms

BTW, are you still grounded ?

Everybody thinks that their moms boss over them too much, nag too much,
fight too much.. but they are the best things that ever happened to a
person. only a mom can give total unconditional love even if you are the

worse possible daughter. LOVE U MOM..hope u know that :-)



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Writings by Gagandeep Singh Sapra by Gagandeep Singh Sapra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 India License.
Based on a work at www.thebiggeek.com | www.gagandeepsapra.com | www.g-spot.in.
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