Saturday, March 14, 2009

Microsoft + Ingram Micro Go Agressive This March, with Home + Student Edition of Office 2007

I hate piracy, yes, I do, I know it looks like a loud statement, but I have always been an advocate of non piracy. Though I will state, that I have always given free options to my customers, and colleagues, by using either linux, use Open Office, and or now, IBM Lotus Symphony to do your work, but not pirate. But some how, there is this comfort that people have built around the Microsoft Office usage pattern. Though Office 2007 is pretty different from the usual office editions that were there till now, but hey, don't we all want the latesht.

Just recieved this mailer from Ingram Micro for partners. They have come out with an agressive scheme (I am sorry, I can't mention the partner transfer price, due to partnership agreements) to sell the Office 2007 Home and Student Edition, Version 2007 till the end of March.

So what does Home and Student Edition Not Have
1. It does not have Outlook
2. It does not have access

What it has is, Word, Powerpoint, Excel and One Note

For more details, contact your Microsoft Partner.



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