Sunday, November 04, 2007

Tech Toys for Today's Kids

I am what I am because I got a lot of leverage from my parents, my grand parents, to break a few things, i also got a lot of support from them in terms of buying me my first chemistry set, my first electronics kit, I remember the 555 timer drove me wild with imagination, and I built some great big projects, which you may have even seen if you were in Delhi around the later half of 1980's, these included flashing LED based hoardings to various other things. But anyway, whenever I meet someone, they ask me for advice, and one of the coolest things that everyone seems to want to know is, our child loves technology, now what.

Well this week in my Indian Express article, I look at some Tech toys in a lot of budgets. So grab a copy on Sunday, 4th November 2007 across India, or click here to read it online.



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