Saturday, April 28, 2007

OLPC @ US$ 175 a Piece

About this time, last year, I had written about the OLPC Project from Nick Negroponte. A news announcment today saying that the OLPC will now cost US$ 175 and not 100 put the whole project back into mainstream news. The price of 100 or 175, are both reachable prices to give IT to the masses, though the decision of now running Windows on the OLPC may not be such a great idea, maybe the announcement from M$ about 3$ a copy of Windows Starter + Student Office 2007 has something to do with this.

But it is still over all a good news, the only sad factor

New Laptop = 600$
Second Hand Used Laptop = 250 $
OLPC 175 $

I don't think we are making a lot of sense, the price of US$ 100 was a great attractive option to have this penetrate into real need locations.



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