Saturday, April 28, 2007

My Childhood Dream Come True - A Gear knob with LED's

When I was about 18, and learning to Drive, the kind of Cars Available in India (Other Than the good old Maruti 800 were the old daddy Fiats and Ambasaddors, and they had the worst possible Gear Shifts you could have seen. Thank God to Floor Gear Shifts, that I learnt how to drive, I was never able to manage the ones built into the steering. Anyway, I always had a feeling, that the Gear knob should be backlit, and there should be a Light telling you which gear you were in, I was always dumb to know which Gear I was in. A lot of ridicule down the line, I forgot about my dream, till now, when I hit upon the IndyCator shift knobs website, and hey, My Dream is true, just about when I was thinking of moving on to an Automatic.. Well 169$ in the US, don't know when it will be here in India, but it is on my wishlist, for any one who wants to know what to get for me from the US :)

I am drooling..



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