Sunday, May 21, 2006

Windows Media Player 11 is Here

Back in the hey days of listening to music on the computer, we had the simple media player from Microsoft, with a very simple layout, and the only good looking players around were either Winamp or Jetaudio. Both of them had their own advantages, and the fight began with Real player announcing free versions. The fight got complicated, and over all the Windows Media Player came out with features that were not only great, but long required. Lately WMP (Windows Media Player) added the feature of synchronising your music with an external MP3 Player, but the looks in WM10 were becoming passe, obviouslly with more and more graphic power available, and people running after the Vista look, well finally the WMP 11 (BETA) is out, and you can download it from here. I can't really review it, as I am now on a Linux desktop personally, but another few days, I will try to do this for you on My Windows PC.

But from the looks of it, I think I like it.. :)



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