Monday, October 31, 2005

Recycle !

We all produce waste, plastic waste. The world is becoming a faster paced machine, and we love junk food. Everytime we buy food, it's packed in plastic. We buy a box it has some plastic in it. When I cross Delhi to go over to Punjab or up north, I cross Delhi's dump yard, and it smells bad.. what you see is plastic.. and plastic.. things that can't be recycled, being dumped.. this is a topic I am close to, but have not talked or done much about. While reading this article, on Inhabitat, I found it interesting eough to share.

Plnatic Technologies, an Australian company has developed a fully biodegradable, corn based material that can be used as pacakaging to carry cupcakes or chocolates, so no more plastic trays in those boxes. These trays look like conventional plastic trays, till you get them wet, and then they dissolve.

Voila.. Want to read more, click on either of the links above.

And hey, recycle..



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