Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The big O!

If by any chance you are a fan of Carrie Bradshaw and the soap Sex and the City, your mind would have run to a single thought, this guy is a perv.. well with a name like G-Spot for my blog and me speaking of the Big O, I dont' blame you, but look at it from the geek's world, the Big O is the Opera Software, the Norwegian company that has grown to be a big big big competitor in the Browser market (Which was largely free for sometime, and is now free again), till they recently annouced that Oprea is now Free :)

Opera's vision is to deliver the best Internet experience on any device. Opera's key business objective is to earn global leadership in the market for PC/desktops and embedded products. Opera's main business strategy is to provide a browser that operates across devices, platforms and operating systems, and can deliver a faster, more stable and flexible Internet experience than its competitors.....[from Opera's website]

On 17th October, they made a big big announement, making Opera the only browser to support Hindi & Punjabi (Currently the only browser supporting both languages). As per them nearly 700 million people speak hindi, and another 100 million punjabi.

For me, the only browser and email client I have known for a long time now is Opera. The M2, though misses out on some features, but is still one of the best email clients I have worked with.

Keep it up opera.. Great going guys..Best wishes

For all of you who want the language files, for opera, please visit



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