Saturday, April 28, 2007

beinSync File online and Storage Marry in the Buffalo Web Access

There have been many a times, I realised I wanted a file on my local area network but I did not get it with me for the presentation / friendly visit etc.. and the only possible way of doing this till a few years back was to call someone at the office, and have them email it to me, then came along remote access software like Logmein that allowed you to access your windows PC from anywhere for free, but your PC had to be on, and then Ifound about BeInsync.

Till the time I was a Windows User (Now I am on linux for quite some time), I was using BeinSync to synchronise two desktops in the office, and used it's feature for web enabling my files, so that I could get the file whereever I was, the recent news on Gizmodo made me sit up and look at this box from Buffalo, though not sure if they are using BeinSync or whatever tool, but this is a great buy for all you high speed DSL home users, now access your files from anywhere..



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