Friday, September 09, 2005

Wake up Alarm :)

I can remember the days as a child, all I was enamoured by at that time was LED's. Yes those tiny little thingy's that glow when you pass current through them. I spent endless amount of money working with home brew electronic projects, that could make the lights go on.. and you could see a smile on my face. A lot did not happen to the LED's, yes, the blue colored and the white colored LED's came out, and they started consuming lesser current, in the gold old day's what we had was yellow, red, green and orange....well the choices were limited.

Then a few days back products made with OLED came out, and I can not wait till I get my hand on one of these.

You think I am dreaming, wake up, smell the coffee. The picture above is true. The picture is of a Pillow Made by Philips (Yes those great innovative guys) have managed to integrate flexible arrays of multicolored LEDs into fabrics without compromising the softness of the cloth.

The Electronic and Photonic Textiles prototypes include what Philips calls the "SMS pillow" (send a text message to it and words scroll across it) and a backpack that has the same LED substrate stitched onto the back.

The messages can be customised, even graphics can be output to them. So what are you thinking, what's the next Wake up Message :)



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