Saturday, August 06, 2005

How Powerful is Google !!

I have always depended on it. Yes it's true, It's fast and It's helpful. That is only if you know how to use it. Now I believe a lot of you will know, that how I know everything. Well I don't, I google :)

A Great Article on CNET tells you about how 30 Minutes on Google, can help you find out Information on anyone. Yes.. Anyone who has been online, or has been a little public with some information. Though Google is not talking to CNET anymore because of this article, and I believe if they review my blog, they may want to shut me down, but JIC, see this.. I believe it showcases the real power of Google. It is a search engine, and if you know how to use it.. you can really get a lot more information that from the library down the road.

Link to the Article at CNET.COM



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