Sunday, April 17, 2005

Snore no More !

Snore no More ! Posted by Hello
I snore!
Everyone, yes everyone who has maybe spent a night with me at a camp, or maybe we shacked up together (now dont' go thinking all those stupid things that just ran through your mind), and my wife.. yes my wife has told me that I SNORE !

Now doctors have an explanation but that does not help your spouse, and the matter of fact is no Women Snore (Well try telling them that they do, and see what happens). Anyway.. this brings me to a new gadget that I just came across, it's called the Snore Stopper and it reatils for about US$ 60, well now I know what is my next birthday gift.. Peaceful sleep.

This is an electronic gadget, that you are supposed to wear around your wrist like a Wrist watch, and it has a sensitive sound detector, that detects snoring, and sends a mild electric shock without disturbing your sleep. Wham, and you stop snoring, till you want to be electrocuted again !

No pills, no surgery, nothing.. dont' believe me, here is the link to the Product Page on Gadget Universe.

Happy Snoring, till your wife grabs one for you !


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