Sunday, September 20, 2009

Open X the Multipurpose Knife @ Rs. 900

I think the OpenX knife is one of the best utility knives I have in my office drawer. Whether it is opening a shrink-wrapped hard plastic box, or simply removing the seal of a medical pill container, to opening detergent packets or snack pouches and shrink wrapped drink packs, this single tool does it easily. And the neat way it opens packaging means you can save the packaging to keep things stored the way they were shipped. The retractable blade, and the blade hidden in the mouth make it safe around people, though I would still want to keep it away from children.
The above review was printed in the Open Magazine Issue Dated 19th to 25th September 2009


Anonymous said... staying in bangalore. where can I purchase the open x knife?- rewati

rave said...

hey, where can i buy the open x in bangalore?

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