Friday, February 27, 2009

How did this Credit Crisis Happen ?

As a Business Owner, I ask myself this question a number of times the whole day, what happened, how did it happen, why is it that every one is affected. I read the paper, talk to people, but when I hear terms like CDS / CDO's / Sub Prime Mortgages, it some how flies over my head.. I just can't understand how it affects every one and what does a CDS or a CDO Means.

There are two brilliant videos on Presentation Zen a blog on the art of making presentations, one by Johnathan Jarvis, which is brilliant and explains everything you wanted to know, and one by Paddy Hirsch.

Here are the two of them for you to watch.

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

Very nice, except the second video is no longer available on youtube.

Anonymous said...

hi I liked your article I have written an ealboarate article on this at

What is recession and who is responsible for it?

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