Thursday, September 28, 2006

Silent Launch of the Xbox 360 - What is MS Scared of !

Most of you must have read my colum in the Indian Express, I spoke about XBOX 360 and the PS2 about 6 months back, and was awaiting the launch of the XBOx 360. Rumors in the market had it, that the XBOX should come out by the Diwali this year (20th October), and then I touched base with Mohit Anand .

Our first conversations about May of this year indicated that we will be a part of the launch test, and I actually wanted to share the opinion of what it felt like with all my 1000 odd readers on the website, and through Indian Express..

Sadly the XBOX was launched last week without much fan fare, no big news paper carried the story, no reviews done, just in time to be there in stores for Diwali.. so.. what is it, that MS is scared of.. ... PS3 is not here for another 2 months, I assumed MS wanted to encash on the India Diwali market, but seems like, MS Figured, most of the people who wanted to buy the xBOX already had one :)

Keep it up.



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