Monday, December 12, 2005

Whisper from e-traction

I think the biggest benefit of technology today is to work out methods to save fossil fuels, the Hybrid car, the electric car and the others have all been a great example of it. I was watching a TV program the other day and saw a brief on the Whisper, and found it worthwhile to share. It uses four wheels, yes all bussess do, but here the wheel is active, it has an engine (electric on it's own), and the bus is one of the most energy efficient busses around.

The debut of this bus was done on March 30th 2005 and it has been in tests. I think India shoudl get a couple of these, as it makes an attractive option to reduce polution in india. Just to share some figures, it can do 6.3 Kilometers per liter of diesel, that means it is 2.5 times more efficient than other energy efficient busses, and and compare this to an average 1 to 2 kilometers per liter of diesel that regular busses do, this is going to be a boon.

For those of you who want to read more about it, click here.



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