Sunday, August 26, 2007

Star Wars - The New Google Sky

I love star gazing, and I think most of us geeks do, but then how do you really find a star, Google just made it easy, to read my review of the New Version of Google Earth, Sky, click here, or buy the Indian Express this Sunday, 26th August 2007, India wide.


Sunday, August 19, 2007

The New Chinese Cell Phones - Fly Mobiles

Have you been mobile shopping lately, if you did not ask for your loved brand, you must have noticed some new brands that are in the market, the guy who is shaking it up is called Fly Mobiles, this week, I look at what all do they have to offer, and is it worth switching over, for more details, buy the Indian Express on Sunday, August 19 2007 india wide, or click here to read the online version.


Monday, August 13, 2007

Free Antivirus - Your Options

Recent Attacks through MSN Messenger and the growing vulnerability due to download of files from the Internet, makes Antivirus a must have for all Windows PC's users. This week in my article in the Sunday Express, on 12th August 2007, I look at the options of free Antivirus. Catch me in the Print across the country in the Indian Express, or click here to read my take on

1. AVG Antivirus
2. Bit Defender 8
3. Avast


Sunday, August 05, 2007

Kill Your PC

Are you worried about your safety, remember Angella Bennet from the NEt, and the stolen Identity, well how do you make sure, that you are safe, when you sell your old pc.. read my tips and safety feedback in My Indian Express article this week on Sunday 5th August, 2007 India wide, or click here to read it online.


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