Saturday, March 26, 2005

Time to Go Dancing in the Streets !!!

The Summers are here, and the ever pertaining question on how to keep your house cool, without spending a lot of money, and also how to buy that right AC. Well it is all answered in the Indian Express Estates Dated 26th March 2005. If you want a copy of my article, send me a mail :)


Monday, March 21, 2005

Medical Affairs of the Country...SAD :(

In the last few days I have had to spend a lot of time in AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences), and the Experience has not been one of the brightest ones. From shouting and uncouth security gaurds, to missing Janitors, and ignorant Senior Staff.

I am called an opinionated person by a lot of people, but I think this may help all of us make a difference.

What our country needs is people who understand what they preach. I had a major argument with the staff at AIIMS about this, but then as they say, the Medical System in India is overworked, the Doctors are working 24 hour shifts, because others are not turning up on duty to relieve them.

---ADDDED 1st April 2005---

The person I was visiting at the Hospital (My Wive's Maternal Uncle), passed away late night Friday 25th March, and I would not want to say a lot now. I had thought that I would, but at the end of it, he is gone, my words will not make a difference.

But I believe the Government, should look into it, especially for a Hospital like AIIMS, where all medical departments are available, this should not happen. What we need is to JOLT the Hospital Staff into realising that the people trust them because that is how a doctor is looked at in our culture and this trust should be kept.


Home Tech - Indian Express 19th March 2005

Indian Express has given me a chance to Write for their Supplement on Housing and Properties called Indian Express Estates, which comes out on Saturdays as a pull out with the main news paper.

My first Article about Smart home Gadgets and ideal gifts for mom was printed on the 19th of March 2005. I hope that in the time to come Indian Express will print some more articles by me. For those who want to know more about Home Technology and how to do technology in your houses, make sure you grab a copy of the Estates (Complimentary with Indian Express) every Saturday from your Nearest News Stall.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

A Magazine Called Mr. Gadget or Dr. Gadget

All these Years that I have worked with technology there have been technological wonders that I wanted to share with people, I have been called on many a times to advice on what technology should one buy or what is the right gadget to buy.

I have been for a while now thinking of starting a Glossy print Magazine, and am still looking at ideas, on what to call it.. There are two names that have stuck with me after a lot of discussions, and I would want your feedback on what name to choose.

Is Dr. Gadget a Better name or Mr. Gadget.

If you were to pick up this magazine, what would you want to see in it ?


Blogging is Big !!!


The Technology world has seen an innovation. The Internet was designed to be a free place to share ideas, to share thoughts, to speak, to read.. Blogs have taken over the Internet.. It is finally a play ground for all, to share their ideas, to oppose censorship, to say what they have always felt like.

Welcome to My Blog.. Yes Finally I am getting hooked to it as well.

My focus on this blog will be to share my thoughts with you both on Technology (My favourite subject) and Life.. (Our Favourite Subject) and turn try to give you something to Gossip About !


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