Sunday, September 20, 2009

In tune with the times - Review of the iTunes 09

Back in 1970, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak put together a company that was simply called Apple. The two dedicated their efforts in developing products and software which ensured the best technology experience for their customers. Last week, Jobs unveiled iTunes version 9, putting the competition many steps behind and showing them how music is meant to be enjoyed, stored and shared.

I remember the time Winamp was the only decent MP3 player around. But those were the early days. Soon, Widows Media Player started playing MP3 and other music formats; and Apple jumped in with iTunes. However, with the release of the iPod, iTunes not only expanded its reach, but also came to be accepted as the ultimate in music management. The version 9 is set to change this, again.
The new iTunes has a brilliant new feature called iTunes LP, but I will skip this as it is not available in India. Along with the better speed, improved software and syncing capabilities, it has two great new features-Home Sharing and Genius Mixes.


With our wired/networked homes housing more than one PC, gone are the days when we had to share files using pen drives or shared folders. There is nothing wrong in sticking to this option, but when you have to entire music libraries from one PC to another, Home Sharing breaks all barriers. iTunes 8 allowed you to play music from a remote PC which has shared its library with you. But with Home Sharing you can setup up to five iTunes libraries on your home network can see only the portion of these libraries that you don't have-common files are not displayed. You can also import content to your library and automatically add content into their library-however, the automatic feature is available only for iTunes store purchases, which, sadly, is not possible in India. The good part is that it also shares videos, audiobooks and even iPhone Apps.

With iTunes 8, Apple introduced Genius. But a lot of people did not understand the feature while the others simply could not use it. Genius creates playlists of your favourite music like a DJ after you select a single file that you like. It does this by using over 27 million music libraries that contain over 54 billion songs analysed by it. The new Genius Mix automatically generates up to 12 endless mixes of songs that go great together. A click on a popular song like Hotel California, and the Genius Mix made a library of 25 songs ranging from Mercedes Benz by Janis Joplin to You Are My Best Friend by Queen, thus saving you the irritation of having skip tracks to reach a song you want to hear.

Those of you who have an iPhone or an iPod Touch and have upgraded to OS3.1 can now organise Apps from iTunes to appear in the layout that you like. Photos are now synced by events and faces, and music is synced by artist and genre thus making it more flexible. But I have a feeling iTunes 9 syncs slower than iTunes 8, maybe because it is doing a lot more now.

Overall, I feel good using the new iTunes9. It will take time before you get used to it, but press the Genius button and you will see the power. Apple has not yet confirmed if they will launch music sales in India, till then we will just have to enjoy the brilliant music manager and music sharing software.

The above review was printed in the Indian Express on Sunday 20th September 2009


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